The Rider Census

The MBTA Rider Census, officially called the System-Wide Passenger Survey, is an annual survey that helps us learn who our riders are and how they use the T.
As required by the federal government, we use this survey to understand if we're serving riders equitably across income, race, and ethnicity. It also helps us plan improvements to services, policies, and public outreach.
Performance Metrics
Explore the Latest Data
We're working on a new dashboard to show Rider Census data.
In the meantime, follow the link below to explore 2023 survey results, download the dataset, and read the final report.
How We Measure Rider Demographics and Behavior
We survey riders for the Rider Census each year through the fall and publish the results the following spring.
Older versions of the Rider Census were conducted once every five years. In 2022, we shifted to an ongoing, or "rolling," survey, which surveys a smaller sample of riders every year.
Surveying Riders
MBTA surveyors speak with riders on the subway, bus, Commuter Rail, and ferry and ask them to complete the Rider Census survey.
The survey asks about:
- Demographic information, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability status, household income, and language proficiency
- Trip purpose, frequency, start/end location, and arrival/departure mode
- Fare and fare payment method
- Number of usable cars in the household
- Other information, as required for federal reporting
Reporting Results
Survey data is generally reported in groups:
Service | Data Reporting Group | ||
Service | Subway | Data Reporting Group | By station or small group of stations |
Service | Bus (High-ridership routes) | Data Reporting Group | By route or small group of routes |
Service | Bus (Moderate- and low-ridership routes) | Data Reporting Group | Larger geographic groups |
Service | Commuter Rail | Data Reporting Group | By line |
Service | Ferry | Data Reporting Group | One group |
Service | Mattapan Trolley | Data Reporting Group | Whole line |
Survey Weighting
Survey responses are weighted so that conclusions based on survey data are as representative as possible of overall MBTA ridership. We weight responses based on:
- Ridership (how many people ride that particular service), and
- Transfer rate (how many people make similar transfers, as reported in the survey)
Sampling Bias
All survey research and data collection is exposed to some bias and error. Sampling bias may have been introduced here for these reasons or other factors:
- Weekday-only surveying between 6 AM and 8 PM
- Having to survey high-ridership locations for statistical validity
- Range of survey languages available
- Surveyors' spoken languages
Contact Us
If you have questions or comments about the Rider Census, please email the Office of Performance Management and Innovation at