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Commuter Rail Fare Zones

The Commuter Rail is divided into 11 fare zones, from Zone 1A to Zone 10. Stations in metro Boston are in Zone 1A, and every Zone beyond that indicates each station's distance from Boston.

Your Commuter Rail fare depends on which Zones your boarding and exiting stations are located in.

Learn more about Commuter Rail tickets and passes

Fare Calculator

Choose your origin and destination to calculate your fare with our Trip Planner.

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Fare Prices by Zone

All one-way and monthly Commuter Rail Zone and Interzone fares are listed below. Round trip fares are sold as 2 one-way tickets.

People 65 and older, students, and people with disabilities may be eligible for reduced fares.

Reduced Fares

Some riders are eligible for reduced fares or can ride the T for free.

Learn more about reduced fares


Commuter Rail Map

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Map of all Commuter Rail lines, with subway lines also featured less prominently.
This map includes all Commuter Rail lines and select subway stations.

Commuter Rail Zones

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Map of all Commuter Rail lines, with shading to indicate which fare zone each station is in
This map includes all Commuter Rail fare zones, 1A - Zone 10.


A rider tapping a Perq card at a fare gate

Get monthly passes—at pre-tax rates—through your employer.

Learn more about Perq


Get a monthly Commuter Rail pass that renews automatically.

Fare Calculator

Choose your origin and destination to calculate your fare with our Trip Planner.

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Reduced Fares

Some riders are eligible for reduced fares or can ride the T for free.

Learn more about reduced fares


A rider tapping a Perq card at a fare gate

Get monthly passes—at pre-tax rates—through your employer.

Learn more about Perq


Get a monthly Commuter Rail pass that renews automatically.