Bus Stop Accessibility Improvements

Timeline: 2019 – 2024 and beyond
Status: In progress
The MBTA is committed to improving rider accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at bus stops throughout our system. Our 7,500 bus stops have been evaluated for ADA compliance, and many stops have been identified as having “high priority” needs for ADA accessibility improvements.
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
What We're Doing
We identified 130 stops that have critical barriers to accessibility and require complete reconstruction. The majority of these stops were rebuilt between 2019 – 2021. The remaining 14 stops are slated for improvements in 2023 and 2024.
We also identified over 600 additional bus stops that have significant barriers to access. We made improvements to 86 of those stops in 2022 and are targeting to complete improvements at 50 more stops in 2023. Evaluation and conceptual design at 80 other stops will begin in 2023, and their construction in 2024 will be subject to funding and approval. Upgrades at additional stops will be carried out as additional funding becomes available.
Upgrades will vary by stop and may include the following types of improvements:
- Addition or reconstruction of a landing area where the bus can deploy a boarding ramp for passengers who need it
- Construction or reconstruction of sidewalks and/or curb ramps to provide accessible paths of travel
- New crosswalks or realignment of crosswalks connecting bus stops
- New pedestrian signals and/or enhanced visibility signage at crosswalks
- Lengthened bus stops to allow buses to pull all the way to the curb
- New bus stop pavement markings
- Updated bus stop signs
Contact Us
For comments or questions, please contact us at betterbusproject@mbta.com.
Related Projects
Better Bus Project
System-Wide Accessibility Improvements
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.