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South Station Air Rights Construction Anticipated to Restart on May 18

Updated on May 15, 2020

Work on the South Station Air Rights Project is planned to resume on May 18. Once the impacts of COVID-19 delays can be determined, a new construction timeline will be established.

All construction will be fully compliant with the City of Boston’s COVID-19 Safety Policies to ensure the safety of work crews and riders.

New Construction Zones

May 18 

A new construction zone will be established adjacent to Track 13. All pedestrians should use the new pathway from Dorchester Ave to access the train platforms.

New pedestrian pathway to south station on dorchester ave
New sidewalk from Dorchester Ave to South Station, adjacent to the Post Office (left).

May 25

Access to Track 13 from the alley between South Station and the Post Office will no longer be available. Please use the newly painted crosswalk to enter the station near the end of Tracks 11 and 12.

New pedestrian crosswalk to South Station from Dorchester Ave
New crosswalk between South Station and the Post Office (view towards the alley).

Atlantic Avenue Construction 

Work will continue as planned in the Atlantic Ave construction zone.

More Information

Email the project team,, with any questions. Please call the project hotline with complaints, emergencies, or general inquiries, 617-445-3500.

Visit the South Station Air Rights website